Please Select a Date to view availability and accurate pricing for your voyage!

Please Select Start Date for your Multi-Day Rental to view Multi-Day Discount prices.


Over 12+ years

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Ages 2-12

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Under 2

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How to Edit Pricing on a Vessel

We understand that pricing is key to your business strategy which is why Docklyne provides dynamic pricing on all of your listed vessels. Gone are the days of 1 static price throughout the season, if you see your boat is the last one available on the water in your area you can price according to supply and demand. There are two ways to edit pricing on Docklyne.

The way we recommend is to use our multicalendar. After you have logged into your account on Docklyne, click “Calendar” on the left hand navigation tab. The multicalendar lists all of your active vessels and shows you which days are booked, and which are available. You can click on any available segment and edit the price [you cannot change the price for booked boats]. When you click on the available segment a screen will pop up that says “Manage Date” and you can change the price, availability and offer a discount. When you click “Update” the new price will go live on your listing.

You can also change the price by editing the listing. When you log-in to your Docklyne account, click “Fleet” on your left hand navigation bar. You can click “edit” on the listing and change price on the “Pricing” page, or you can click “Update Fleet Prices” on the top of the page if you want to change the price of multiple boats. If you do the latter, you will be directed to a screen where it asks you to select the vessels for which you wish to update the prices. After clicking next you will see the “Pricing” page and when you press submit it will change the pricing for those vessels.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about running your operation on Docklyne please contact us at

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