Pine Flat Lake Marina

Pine Flat Lake Marina

Pine Flat Lake - Sunnyslope Rd, Sanger, CA 93657, USA

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19 Rental Vessels

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Pine Flat Lake Marina

Pine Flat Lake

3 Rental Vessels

Sunnyslope Rd, Sanger, CA 93657, USA

We started PFLM, Inc. in 2005. With a previous marina business of over 30 years at Lake Success in Tulare county, CA., the move was made to relocate to Pine Flat Lake. Lakeridge Marina was purchased and became Pine Flat Lake Marina. We have grown by leaps and bounds in every aspect of the business from boat work, to the number of slips, to merchandise, to the entertainment on the marina. The corporation employees three families, several dock workers, clerks and boat mechanics. In August 2011 we purchased another lake business. Lakeview Resort, aka Benson's Lakeside Resort, aka Lombardo's, aka Pine Flat Lake Resort. In April we created a new marina, Lakeview Marina. With Lakeview Resort and Marina we hope to further accommodate visitors to Pine Flat Lake.

Operation Photos

Boat Rules

Watersports allowed: No

Pets allowed: No

Alcohol Regulations: No

Renters who cancel at least 14 days before check-in will get back 100% of the amount they've paid. If they cancel between 7 and 14 days before check-in, they'll get back 50%.

Note : up to 3 days advanced notice, refund will be $25 less your first payment.
less than 3 days, will lose 1st payment.*
less than 2 days on a Saturday will loose full payment
less than 30 days on a Holiday time frame will lose full payment

Pets allowed : Yes

Pet Weight : 0.00 Lbs

Number of Pets : 0

Note: 1 pet allowed.

List of life vest inventory :

XL : 2

Medium : 5

Child : 1

Charge : $160.00 per 60.00 min

Included in price

Map & Reviews

Sunnyslope Rd, Sanger, CA 93657, USA
